
Thursday, June 23, 2011

LIBRARIANS & BLOGGERS! take our summer reading challenge and win over 40 radical MG & YA novels! #diversityinya pls RT!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's the Luminous Summer Grand Prize Giveaway! ARCs, bookmarks, buttons, candy, chocolate! Now thru June 30th.
It's the Luminous Summer Grand Prize Giveaway! ARCs, bookmarks, buttons, candy, chocolate! Now thru June 30th.

The After Dark Tour Contest! And Original Sin Teaser #52

Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life: BHSV–Paranormal Haven Guest Post + Signed Larissa Ione Book Giv..
Vixie & Annabella Button

Carbohydrates & Conjugations: Fins are Forever Swag + Book Giveaway! (US only)

Carbohydrates & Conjugations: Fins are Forever Swag + Book Giveaway! (US only): "I’m a huge fan of YA, so I love supporting authors like Tera Lynn Childs, who made a huge splash with her first mermaid novel, Forgive my Fi..."
Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life: BHSV – Character/Author Interview by Michelle Rowen + 1/2 SIGNE..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Enter to win an ARC of @mstiefvater's FOREVER:!!!! Hurry, contest ends 6/11!!!
Win HOURGLASS by Myra McEntire or a SIGNED poster from I Read Banned Books, @jenbigheart

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stuck in Books: 600 Followers Giveaway

Stuck in Books: 600 Followers Giveaway: "My blog hit 600 followers today! Of course that requires a celebration! So I'm doing a international (as long as the book d..."
Stuck in Books
Win a SIGNED copy of one of the best books of 2011! STARCROSSED by Josephine Angelini @harperteen @PitchDarkBooks

Book Reader Addicts: Indie Author Bash: Day 6

Book Reader Addicts: Indie Author Bash: Day 6: "Welcome to Day Of the Indie Author Bash! Day 5 winners are… An E-book of Laney by Joann Martin Sowles is… JAN GALLOWAY! E-books ..."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This post is to announce to the world that I'm participating in the Spring into Summer read-a-thon hosted by Enna Isilee of Squeaky Books!

This read-a-thon is going to be so great! It's two days where you try do NOTHING but read. It's a great chance to get rid of some of those books that have been sitting on your TBR pile forever.

But that's not all! There will also be awesome mini-challenges and a TON of giveaways! In fact, just for signing up you are entered to win a $25 gift card to Amazon! SO GO SIGN UP! And if you say that INSERT YOUR NAME HERE sent you, you'll get 5 extra entries to win that gift card! CLICK HERE to enter to win, and know all there is to know about the read-a-thon.

Here's my goal:

I plan to participate on: BOTH DAYS, FRIDAY ONLY, SATURDAY ONLY
I plan to read: # Of Books or Pages

Well, have you signed up yet? DO IT NOW!

Click the image to learn more!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

RT @rachelmosq: Win a signed copy of A Touch Mortal #Iheartindies @cvaldezmiller