
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Lemniscate by Jennifer Murgia!

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Lemniscate by Jennifer Murgia!: "This is your chance to Win...LEMNISCATE (ARC) by Jennifer Murgia Rules 1 Winner! For your chances to win FILL OUT THIS FORM! Addi..."

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Wither by Lauren DeStefano!

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Wither by Lauren DeStefano!: "This is your chance to Win...WITHER (ARC) by Lauren DeStefanoRules 1 Winner! For your chances to win FILL OUT THIS FORM! Addition..."

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Entwined by Heather Dixon!

FANTASTIC BOOK REVIEW: Win Entwined by Heather Dixon!: "This is your chance to Win...ENTWINED (Signed) by Heather DixonSwag: Beaded dancing princess bookmark & an Entwined cover pendant n..."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

win a copy of Born at Midnight. at - http://thethoughtsofabookjunky

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Win a signed Original Sin ARC, signed copy of PD and a tote signed by Rachel Hawkins
I just entered to win $100 to the bookseller of my choice at @Enna_Isilee's blog for the #BloomingBooks giveaway!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

@cindypon win @leahcypess' Nightspell ARC & actual signed hardcover of Fury of the Phoenix before 3/29 release date!